Toothpaste: Arm & Hammer Dental Care
September 16th, 2007
In the toothpaste aisle at the supermarket I always get a certain 1000-product stare: it looks like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder but it’s actually called “choice paralysis“. You may have seen it or done it yourself–the packaging gets a little blurry, 20 cents off seems like a big deal, you wonder if you even need toothpaste. Sometimes I don’t have the strength to fight, and I just pick one at random.
That’s what all those options are meant to do, by the way. The major brands deliberately create more products to take up more shelf space–so they are more likely to win at the game of random product selection. You the consumer are supposed to feel overwhelmed, and grab the nearest one or the cheapest one or the most colorful one.
It’s toothpaste. Get it in there, brush it around. A hundred years ago we brushed with baking soda, if we brushed them at all. Arm & Hammer is cheaper than the overmarketed brand names, and Dental Care has fluoride and deep cleaning nanoparticles and baking soda besides. So unless you have special needs, like sensitive or stained or fake teeth, this Arm & Hammer Dental Care will be completely reasonable.
Saul :: Sep.16.2007 :: Toothpaste :: 2 Comments »
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I heard that the only real purpose of using toothpaste at all is to get you to “enjoy” the experience of brushing, and in fact a person would do just as well brushing with plain water, if only they would do it long enough. So in reality, any common tube of whatever from the Dollar store will do the trick. The only factor is if you like the taste. Personally, I wouldn’t ever pay more than $2 a tube. (Although my dentist (and Scott) swear/s that Colgate Total has special powers…)
I love this toothpaste. Used it for years. Gets my teeth feeling smooth and makes my mouth feel genuinely “minty fresh” without all that hella-minty-blast that those other toothpastes have. Ouch, those other ones hurt. And, I use just the itsy-ist pinch of paste, that’s all it takes. I swear, one tube lasts for nigh-on a year.