Projector: Optoma HD70 720p DLP


If you haven’t been able to justify getting a projector for yourself, the Optoma HD70 just may convince you. For under $1000, this projector competes with much more expensive models, providing amazing colors, fine detail, high contrast and impressive depth for its price. You will continue to be impressed with it from the first movie you watch to a few years from now when all your friends get the same thing for themselves because they can’t stand their now seemingly unreasonable, outdated TV.

Home Theatre Magazine thought it was very reasonable, ProjectorReviews likes it, and this projector geek says:

In conclusion–this unit represents superb value for money. At under $1000, this [is] the projector you’ve been waiting for if you want to step up to 720p front projection.

This is a high-end, well-constructed unit from a respected brand, masquerading at a lower-end price.

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